Sunday, April 15, 2012

One week down....the ups and downs

My frist week down and I didn't do as great as I has started off thinking I would. I did decide though that instead of making all these huges changes in my diet and exercise I would start with little steps. I know me and I know if I try cutting out all sorts of things or thowing my self into an exercise frenzy I will burn out quickly. So, this week I did little things. I ate more fruit and veggies. I ate more throughout the day instead of big meals. Most every day my breakfast was a protein bar with my morning coffee. I did have a wonderful breakfast out with my youngest and friends this morning as seems to be my recent Sunday tradition. I walked at lunch only 2 times this week as the weather has been yuck and the job has been slightly more than extremely stressful. I did do a Pilates DVD this evening with my kids. It was a little difficlut not doing it in so long but it felt great! I suppose we shall see what the scale says tomorrow. I am not counting on big numbers and I didn't make any huge changes but 1 or 2 pounds would be motivation enough for me. Wish me luck tomorrow!

Oh, ya sorry for the lack of blogs. If only I could figure out how to do this on my phone it would make it easier. I completely forget to get onto the computer at night. :-)

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