Monday, April 16, 2012

No luck

Weight this morning 156.6. I guess my little changes didn't make any difference. More changes to be made this week.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

One week down....the ups and downs

My frist week down and I didn't do as great as I has started off thinking I would. I did decide though that instead of making all these huges changes in my diet and exercise I would start with little steps. I know me and I know if I try cutting out all sorts of things or thowing my self into an exercise frenzy I will burn out quickly. So, this week I did little things. I ate more fruit and veggies. I ate more throughout the day instead of big meals. Most every day my breakfast was a protein bar with my morning coffee. I did have a wonderful breakfast out with my youngest and friends this morning as seems to be my recent Sunday tradition. I walked at lunch only 2 times this week as the weather has been yuck and the job has been slightly more than extremely stressful. I did do a Pilates DVD this evening with my kids. It was a little difficlut not doing it in so long but it felt great! I suppose we shall see what the scale says tomorrow. I am not counting on big numbers and I didn't make any huge changes but 1 or 2 pounds would be motivation enough for me. Wish me luck tomorrow!

Oh, ya sorry for the lack of blogs. If only I could figure out how to do this on my phone it would make it easier. I completely forget to get onto the computer at night. :-)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stress = bad choices

I didn't do as well as I hoped today. It was an EXTREMELY stressful day at work. I found myself wanting junk food most of the day. Luckily I had some grapes to snack on instead and ended up with a peppermint candy instead of chocolate. Of course this would be the day the boys wanted fast food for dinner. The thought of going home smelling yummy greasy food while I had something healthy was not a good match for my lack of will power today. I got my usual fattening meal but only ate half since I really was not hungry. Guess snacking on good food makes a difference. Tomorrow is a new day and I refuse to let my job stress throw my off track. Wish me luck!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 1

First day over and I did pretty well. I had a little dessert after dinner since chocolate covered strawberries are only good a few days ya know. :-) However I believe that giving myself a little treat (yes it was little) a day is not so bad as that will keep me from over indulging later. I walked at lunch with friends. Not exactly how far we walked by my legs said it was far enough. Didn't realize exactly how out of shape I am. Whew, lots of work to go, but one step at a time. Just one foot infront of the other and I can do this. :-)
So my intent this morning was to get up and do some Pilates before work. With a little one who didn't sleep last night, that did not happen. So I did get up and did my first weigh in. Not a pretty number: 156.8. At a height of 5'2 my goal weight is about 120 - 125. Since 33 pounds is a hefty goal to focus on, I have decided that my goal will actually be a loss of 10 pounds by vacation which is June 18th. Seems like a very achievable goal.

Updates later on how my first day goes!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The eve of the beginning....

I am a single mother to 2 amazing little boys. Of course, that leaves little time to myself.  I work full time, just stopped going to school full time as well, and involved in many activities in chuch and community. Needless to say, my eating and exercise habits have become, well, lacking to say the least. After many failed attempts at dieting and loosing weight I have finally decided IT IS TIME! So, this begins my journey. I figure, the only way to stay on track is to blog about it and really become devoted and motivated to make a change in my life. I will be posting number (maybe not pictures) but I will post the good and the bad of my journey. Tomorrow will be the big number, and even I am not looking forward to that first weigh in. I am pretty sure the number may scare me. Welcome to my journey to get healthy, loose weight and NO EXCUSES.