Sunday, April 8, 2012

The eve of the beginning....

I am a single mother to 2 amazing little boys. Of course, that leaves little time to myself.  I work full time, just stopped going to school full time as well, and involved in many activities in chuch and community. Needless to say, my eating and exercise habits have become, well, lacking to say the least. After many failed attempts at dieting and loosing weight I have finally decided IT IS TIME! So, this begins my journey. I figure, the only way to stay on track is to blog about it and really become devoted and motivated to make a change in my life. I will be posting number (maybe not pictures) but I will post the good and the bad of my journey. Tomorrow will be the big number, and even I am not looking forward to that first weigh in. I am pretty sure the number may scare me. Welcome to my journey to get healthy, loose weight and NO EXCUSES.


  1. What do you think about getting together some evenings and walking with the kids in the metro parks or something

    1. I am always up for walk in the park. Both kids really enjoy getting out AND it tires them out! Win win lol

  2. very proud of you.

    1. Thank you. It won't be easy but I need to do this not only for me, but for my kids.
